Volunteer with us
We need tutors to do one-on-one tutoring with our students. Hours required can be anywhere from 2-4 hours a week. We train our tutors and give them support with material and expert advice.
Contact us @ [email protected] for the form.
We need tutors to do one-on-one tutoring with our students. Hours required can be anywhere from 2-4 hours a week. We train our tutors and give them support with material and expert advice.
Contact us @ [email protected] for the form.
Non-Instructional Volunteering:
Volunteers are needed to help make phone calls, write and mail letters. We also need volunteers to help plan fundraising events and reach out to sponsors.
We also need volunteers with graphic design background for Outreach and Fundraising efforts..
Let us know if you're good with computers and can work on websites.
Volunteers are needed to help make phone calls, write and mail letters. We also need volunteers to help plan fundraising events and reach out to sponsors.
We also need volunteers with graphic design background for Outreach and Fundraising efforts..
Let us know if you're good with computers and can work on websites.
Event Volunteers:
We need volunteers for our yearly golf tournament and other events.
Just email us if you are interested and are good at organizing events or just want to help out.
We also help out with SAT hours at our events.
We need volunteers for our yearly golf tournament and other events.
Just email us if you are interested and are good at organizing events or just want to help out.
We also help out with SAT hours at our events.